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Technical Reference


All transactions to the UniversalRouter are processed through the UniversalRouter.execute functions:

  • execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs, uint256 deadline)
  • execute(bytes calldata commands, bytes[] calldata inputs)

The first function allows setting a transaction deadline. If the block.timestamp surpasses the provided deadline, the transaction will revert. Otherwise, both functions execute identically.

These functions operate like a simplified virtual machine (VM). They accept a list of commands and corresponding inputs, executing them in the specified order.

Command Structure

The first parameter (bytes calldata commands) is a list of commands for the contract to execute, ordered as intended. Each command is encoded in a single byte, divided as follows:

01 23 4 5 6 7


A single bit flag indicating whether the command can revert independently without causing the entire transaction to fail:

  • If f is 0 (false) and the command reverts, the entire transaction fails, and subsequent commands are not executed.
  • If f is 1 (true) and the command reverts, the transaction proceeds, enabling partial fills. If using this flag, ensure to include further commands to utilize any leftover funds in the UniversalRouter contract.


Two unused bits reserved for future use. These bits can be set to 0 to save gas, with any provided values ignored. Future versions of the UniversalRouter might utilize these bits for additional functionalities.


A 5-bit unique identifier for the command to execute.

Commands not defined at present will cause the transaction to revert with InvalidCommandType.

The table below lists the complete set of commands:


Command Details

Each command is followed by specific parameters:


  • address: Token to fetch from Permit2
  • address: Recipient of the fetched tokens
  • uint256: Amount of tokens to fetch

The tokens are fetched from the msg.sender of the transaction.


  • IAllowanceTransfer.PermitBatch: PermitBatch struct detailing Permit2 permits to execute
  • bytes: Signature for Permit2

The signer of the permits must be the msg.sender of the transaction.


  • address: ERC20 token to sweep (or Constants.STEAMX for STEAMX)
  • address: Recipient of the sweep
  • uint256: Minimum tokens to receive from the sweep


  • address: ERC20 token to transfer (or Constants.STEAMX for STEAMX)
  • address: Recipient of the transfer
  • uint256: Amount to transfer


  • address: ERC20 token to transfer (or Constants.STEAMX for STEAMX)
  • address: Recipient of the transfer
  • uint256: Percentage of the contract's balance to transfer (in basis points)


  • address: Recipient of the trade output
  • uint256: Amount of input tokens for the trade
  • uint256: Minimum desired output tokens
  • address[]: Rails Network SwapV2 token path for the trade
  • bool: Flag indicating whether input tokens should come from msg.sender (via Permit2) or are already in the UniversalRouter


  • address: Recipient of the trade output
  • uint256: Amount of output tokens to receive
  • uint256: Maximum input tokens to spend
  • address[]: Rails Network SwapV2 token path for the trade
  • bool: Flag indicating whether input tokens should come from msg.sender (via Permit2) or are already in the UniversalRouter


  • IAllowanceTransfer.PermitSingle: PermitSingle struct outlining the Permit2 permit to execute
  • bytes: Signature for Permit2

The signer of the permit must be the msg.sender of the transaction.


  • address: Recipient of the WSTEAMX
  • uint256: Amount of STEAMX to wrap


  • address: Recipient of the STEAMX
  • uint256: Minimum required STEAMX to receive from the unwrapping


  • IAllowanceTransfer.AllowanceTransferDetails[]: Array of AllowanceTransferDetails structs, each describing a Permit2 transfer to perform


  • address: ERC721 token address to transfer
  • address: Recipient of the transfer
  • uint256: Token ID to transfer


  • uint256: STEAMX value to forward to the NFT20 contract
  • bytes: Calldata to call the NFT20 contract


  • uint256: STEAMX value to forward to the Foundation contract
  • bytes: Calldata to call the Foundation contract
  • address: Recipient of the ERC721
  • address: ERC721 token address
  • uint256: ID of the ERC721


  • address: ERC1155 token address to sweep
  • address: Recipient of the sweep
  • uint256: Token ID to sweep
  • uint256: Minimum tokens to receive from the sweep