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Rails Network Depot

Welcome to the Rails Network Depot, your one-stop shop for all Rails Network tools. The Depot offers a suite of services designed to enhance your experience within the Rails Network ecosystem. Explore the capabilities and how they can benefit your blockchain interactions.


The Depot provides access to various tools, including Swap, Migration, and Bridge services, each tailored to meet your needs in the Rails Network.


Trade seamlessly within the Rails Network ecosystem using our Swap service. This tool is designed for efficient and easy trading, allowing users to exchange different assets within the network quickly.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly interface for smooth trading
  • Access to a wide range of Rails Network assets
  • Fast and secure transactions


Migrate your BSC tokens to the Rails Network Native Coin STEAMX effortlessly with our Migration tool. This feature facilitates a smooth transition from BSC tokens to STEAMX, ensuring your assets move securely and efficiently to the Rails Network.

How It Works:

  1. Connect your wallet that holds BSC tokens.
  2. Click the 'Start Migration' button
  3. Approve your spending cap Note: it helps to increase the amount to a balance above your actual BSC STEAMX holdings
  4. Confirm the migration and receive STEAMX Native Coin in your Rails Network wallet.


Our Bridge service enables the transfer of USDC from Polygon and ETH networks directly to the Rails Network. This tool is essential for users looking to move their assets across different blockchains into the Rails Network ecosystem.

Bridge Risks and Mitigation


  1. Insufficient Liquidity: If the bridge does not maintain adequate liquidity, users may be unable to complete transactions, leading to a poor user experience and potential financial loss.
  2. Front-Running and Transaction Ordering Manipulation: Attackers could exploit the transaction ordering within blockchain networks to benefit at the expense of regular users, particularly in high-latency situations.
  3. Cross-chain Replay Attacks: Without proper security, a transaction on one chain could be replayed on another, leading to unintended asset duplication or loss.
  4. Centralization Risks: Dependence on a small set of validators or administrators for bridge operations can lead to centralization, increasing the risk of system failures or targeted attacks.


Insufficient Liquidity

  • Dynamic Liquidity Management: Implement mechanisms to adjust liquidity dynamically based on current demand and supply within the bridge.
  • Liquidity Incentives: Offer incentives for liquidity providers to ensure a constant and sufficient liquidity pool within the bridge.

Front-Running and Transaction Ordering Manipulation

  • Transaction Privacy Measures: Implement privacy-enhancing techniques like commit-reveal schemes to protect transaction details until execution.
  • Decentralized Sequencing Solutions: Use decentralized transaction ordering protocols to reduce the risk of front-running and manipulation.

Cross-chain Replay Attacks

  • Chain-specific Signatures: Ensure that transactions are signed with chain-specific data to prevent cross-chain replays.
  • Unique Nonce or Timestamps: Include unique nonces or timestamps in cross-chain messages to ensure they are only valid for a single transaction on the target chain.

Centralization Risks

  • Decentralized Validation Mechanisms: Implement a decentralized set of validators or operators for the bridge, reducing the risk of central points of failure.

Our Safety Measures

  • Health Checks: Implement health checks to ensure users have sufficient gas for their transactions, the bridge has enough funds to facilitate the transactions, and all deposits are properly validated.
  • Partial Funding of the Bridge: Limit the amount of funds stored in the bridge's contracts to reduce potential losses from an attack, ensuring that an attack would not be economically viable for the attacker and the impact on the network would be minimized.

By addressing these risks with the outlined mitigation strategies, the Rails Network Bridge can provide a secure, efficient, and user-friendly cross-chain transfer service.


  • Secure bridging of USDC between Polygon, ETH, and Rails Network
  • Easy-to-use interface for a hassle-free experience
  • Quick and reliable asset transfer

Getting Started

To start using the Rails Network Depot:

  1. Visit the Depot website: Rails Network Depot
  2. Connect your wallet compatible with the Rails Network.
  3. Select the service you need (Swap, Migration, or Bridge) from the main menu.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your transactions.

Future Functions and Features

In the future we will enable the following protocols in the Depot:

  1. Rails Network Testnet Faucet
  2. Rails Network Launchpad
  3. Rails Network Token Locker and Vesting


If you encounter any issues or have questions about the Rails Network Depot, our support team is here to help. Visit our Telegram and speak to one of our admins or mods.

Experience the full potential of the Rails Network with the Depot, designed to simplify and enhance your blockchain activities.